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Edinburgh Royal Botanical Gardens gets first ühut.

uhut 8810 in Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh

We are really pleased to have been commissioned to provide a ühut for Theatre Cryptic's fantastic new show "Below The Blanket" in The Botanics - "A walking meditation through art inspired by one of Scotland's great wild landscapes"

The ühut is going to be used to show a film about the Flow Country, one of the world’s last wild places, stretching across Caithness and Sutherland in the far north of Scotland.

As can be seen from the photos, ühuts are (unbelievably) lighter inside than on the outside due to a combination of the massive whole-roof skylight and the concave, light concentrating curvature of the interior walls.

The ühut will be in the Botanics for the duration of the festival season until the beginning of September.


VAT number 410271059

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